Let's see what kind of company erotic keeps in the dictionary:
Erotic. In the dictionary between Eros, the god of love, born from chaos. In between erose: having the margin irregularly incised or indented, as if bitten by an animal. In between the factitious slang suffix “eroo”as in boozeroo, brusheroo. In between the word erogenous, responsive or sensitive to stimulation. Between erosion and erode, to wear away by or as if in abrasion, to eat into: to corrode, to destroy by slow consumption. In between erratum and erroneous: a mistake in printing and writing that which is contained or derived from error. Between errant, roving, especially in search of adventure. Eros. French Toast. Overdose. Erotology is the science of love. Erotomania is the meloncholy or madness arriving from passionate love. Erotomaniac, one affected by erotomania. From the ranging root ER: to rouse up set in motion. Hence, the Orient but also Eries: goddess of discord. Her counterpart is Eros, from him the many erotica. Aphrodite was his mother, daughter of foam. From Aphrodite we have aphrodisiacs and the foam –like mineral aphrite and aphrizite.
--From the Archive; originally posted February 11, 2008