OK everybody, before going to brunch, ask yourself this one question:
Who wrote the world's biggest big-ass poem?
Hint: the title of the poem is "Breakast"
Hint: this poster is located near a construction site in London.If you guessed Billy Collins, you win.
"Post Poetry is a great new genre," Ida Noise told this reporter.
Partisans of Jennifer L. Knox's "Hot Ass Poem" may advocate magnifying it on a poster in Portland, Oregon.
OK now. . .off to brunch you go. -- DL
Good to see, a gesture in the right direction, no question.
However, and a big however: Maybe it's time for poets (like the younger ones, especially, who seem overly preoccupied with winning prizes and jobs and the like) to bring back graffiti bombing, all over fossil-fuel headquarters everywhere and whatever corporate plazas, etc. Give the planet your tag, poets, individual or collective (One, Two, Three, Many Collective Poetry Fronts!), not the tired star-Poet Authorial claim. It might be an urgent time to dispense with that and start being extra bad?
Posted by: Kent Johnson | February 09, 2020 at 07:52 PM
Maybe good is the new bad.
Sincerely, Jack Derrida.
Posted by: The Best American Poetry | February 10, 2020 at 10:24 AM