Why are there always three sailors or soldiers, never two or four, on shore leave or furlough?
(a) Because Gene Kelly favored the “rule of three”
(b) Because one can sing, one can dance, and one can provide comic relief
(c) Because human kind cannot bear very much reality
(d) Because, according to Freud, “three” is a magic number and a phallic symbol
(e) Because the sergeant tells the captain to lay off his daughter until the sailor marries Wilma.
Which movie illustrates the condition described by T. S. Eliot in the garden?
(a) All of them
(b) All musicals except It's Always Fair Weather
(c) .Hitchcock's Hollywood films except Rear Window and Vertigo
(d) The Third Man but only if seen in Vienna on a Friday evening
(e) Casablanca
Who is "the third man" in The Third Man?
(a) Fred MacMurray
(b) Claire Bloom's lover when they reach the Berlin Wall and begin to climb
(c) Harry Lime
(d) Hamlet
(e) Franz Kindler
When Carol Reed made The Fallen Idol,
(a) he understood that he could not be faithful to Graham Greene's story
(b) he asked Orson Welles for advice on casting the butler
(c) he cast his own butler as the butler
(d) he was dating Carol Burnett
(e) he and she sang carols with Carroll O'Connor
The star of the movie was
(1) Arletty
(2) Ilse Lund
(3) Laurence Olivier as Hamlet
(4)The man who didn't shoot Liberty Valance
(5) Madeleine Elster's gray dress at Ernie's
Who is the “odd man out” in Carol Reed’s film with James Mason?
(a) Shell
(b) Lukey
© Kathleen
(d) Johnny McQueen
(e) Father Tom
How did the British top brass get William Holden to volunteer for the dangerous mission to blow up the bridge in a Burmese jungle?
(a) Because they appealed to his sense of fair play.
(b) Because he was a queer bird, even for an American.
(c) Because he has done what Don Draper will do in Korea: he steals the identity of an officer killed in an action that he survives. But unlike Draper he is found out and hasn’t any choice.
(d) Because they reminded him that he had already been in a POW camp in Germany
(e) Because he is depicted shirtless at the POW camp reminding the viewer of Picnic with Kim Novak.
What made Barbara Stanwyck scream?
(a) She phoned the number her lover gave her and the voice on the other end said, "City Morgue."
(b) She said we're both rotten and he said only you're a little bit more rotten
(c) She beat Henry Fonda at poker
(d) She saw Addison De Witt commit a murder and try to pin it on her
(e) When she went to bed with Robert Taylor, he called her Ruby Catherine Stevens
What are the last words spoken in Double Indemnity?
(a) "Round up the usual suspects."
(b) "Straight down the line."
(c) "I love you, too."
(d) "How fast was I going, officer?"
(e) "Sorry, baby, I'm not buying."
In The Best Years of Our Lives, Hoagy Carmichaael
(a) orders a beer for the navy but lets army and air force get drunk as a skunk
(b) doesn't play "How Little We Know" on the piano for Lauren Bacall to sing
(c) teaches Homer to play "Chopsticks" with his hooks while Al watches and Fred in the phone booth breaks things off with Peggy
(d) owns the bar where Dana Andrews meets Teresa Wright
(e) invented the hoagy by shoving in a roll everything he could find in the icebox.