The Seven Sages – a time-traveling band of philosophers
appearing in ancient China, India, and Greece.
The Seven Senses from which the Self must be emancipated.
The Seven Dwarves -- domesticated and Disney-fied into cuteness.
Bashful and Dopey being perennial favorites.
The Seventh Seal opens on the dark night of a knight as he wanders
Bergman’s black and white medievalism.
The Seven Deadly Sins --- without envy, greed, and pride
there would be no capitalism.
The Seven Brides, like Snow White, must civilizE
the Seven Brothers, best known for brawling, barn-raising,
and cocky dance moves, before a group wedding can take place.
-- Elaine Equi
Ed. note: The poem is from The Intangibles by Elaine Equi (Coffee House Press, 2019). The photo below was taken by John Tranter in New York City in 1992. Elaine is at the center, with Lyn Tranter to her right and David Trinidad puffing on a smoke.
I'm currently teaching a UCLA Extension Writers Program class called "The Art of Craft-Towards Publication," and last week I talked a bit about ways that some poetry incorporates lists, or --like this one -- can be entirely composed of a list. I'll send my group a link to this poem, such a good example.
Posted by: Suzanne Lummis | October 24, 2020 at 05:32 AM
Lovely idea for a poem, and superb execution.
Posted by: Jill Newnham | October 24, 2020 at 02:35 PM
brilliant, as always
Posted by: lally | October 24, 2020 at 11:56 PM