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« The Bob Dylan Entry in the "Oxford Book of American Poetry" | Main | No Longer My Own [by Lera Auerbach] »

December 15, 2020


Thank you very much for posting the section on Edwin Denby. His "Song" grows more magical with each re-reading. The severe portrait of him (on cinder block!), an icon of a latter-day saint, is not the angel-on-the-roof in Rudy Burckhardt's photographs of him or the twinkling spirit in the films: There is no playfulness in this Edwin Denby, forever the oldest soul in the room. Bill Berkson's remembrance (well worth following to the next Web site) is a treasure on its own terms.

Denby's poems and his dance criticism--especially the long essays he wrote after he stopped practicing daily reviewing--remain fresh and alive, sometimes like a spring breeze and sometimes like an unanticipated slap. Just when one thinks one has figured him out, his writing opens up a door to a new aspect of his sensibility, often a wilder aspect than even one of his readers of longstanding suspected to be there. In wildness is the preservation of the world, of course, and it's a great pleasure to find a reminder of that via today's Denby corner of the Best American Poetry blog.

". . .sometimes like a spring breeze and sometimes like an unanticipated slap." Wonderful comment, Mindy. Thank you. -- DL

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That Ship Has Sailed
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I left it
on when I
left the house
for the pleasure
of coming back
ten hours later
to the greatness
of Teddy Wilson
"After You've Gone"
on the piano
in the corner
of the bedroom
as I enter
in the dark

from New and Selected Poems by David Lehman


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