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January 31, 2021


I love Ron Padgett and I love this poem. Great photo too. Thx Terence!

I ditto the above--ditto ditto ditto.

Wonderful poem--thank you, Terence.

Splendid, gentle, steep. So glad to see this poem here.

This fable is characteristically fabulous work from Ron Padgett, whose poems I've loved since first learning of him from James Tate in the late seventies. His translation of Cendrars is my Bible and will always be (I own two copies, just in case!). In this poem "Morning," myth marries history--imagination's in its highest gear, clarity and direct speech form the great groundwork, fun wins!

I got goosebumps reading "My father is inside the cloud..." What deadly a combination of spare and smoldering this poem is.

Thanks for the comment, Clarinda.

Thanks for the comment, Beth.

Don---thanks for that great comment.

Thanks, Jiwon, for that comment.

Thanks, amigo.

Ron continues to be the best! I am in awe of this. And I love the photo with Jarmusch thanks Terence as always

yay ron!

I love this poem. Not all mothers are made of mother. And I love the poem's course from the first question. This mother made of mother is the answer.

NOW I know what poetry is. I forgot for a moment until I read this.

He's always been at the top of the heap in my heart.

Matt---I agree re Ron.

Anne--thanks for the comment.

Grace---thanks for the comment.

Fabulous poem

On Sun, Jan 31, 2021, 5:32 PM t.p. Winch <[email protected]> wrote:

Grace---thanks for the comment.

I plan to share this with my wonderful creative writing students at the Delaware College of Art and Design. Thanks, Terance.

Simply beautiful. Thanks for this, Terence Winch!

Jack!  Nice to hear from you after all these years.

...Would love to reconnect more fully at some point, Terence. And look at the tremendous readers you have here. (Amy G. turned me on to this particular post.) Bravo ! I just subscribed !

So imaginative and mysterious- love this poem

I'm glad you like it, Eileen.

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I left it
on when I
left the house
for the pleasure
of coming back
ten hours later
to the greatness
of Teddy Wilson
"After You've Gone"
on the piano
in the corner
of the bedroom
as I enter
in the dark

from New and Selected Poems by David Lehman


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