- Forgetting Ignorance
The world is created anew. I often fail to see it and think as if it was still the old world that I knew. I forget my ignorance.
My mother doesn’t own a computer and doesn’t understand how the Internet works. It’s all mundanely miraculous and miraculously mundane to her. I try to explain but realize that I don’t understand it either. I can navigate it, but I do not know who or what is staring at me from the other side of the screen.
- Reflection
I spit out blood from my bleeding gums and, looking at the sink, see my death.
- The Shadows of Memories
One can think about so many things and nothing at all.
How can nothing be something?
How can nothing be?
Can a shadow cast a shadow?
Perhaps within each shadow lies a deeper shadow, just like within the first death, lies the second death.
If a person can be born more than once, it’s possible that after he is dead, he dies again – a death within death from which it is impossible to return. In this second death, he loses not only his memories but the shadows of memories.
When did Eurydice die?
Brilliant oil on canvas, Lera. You keep amazing me!
Posted by: Emily Fragos | September 10, 2021 at 07:38 PM
Great question ending the poem.
Posted by: David Lehman | September 11, 2021 at 04:27 PM