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«  Sonnet [by Alexander Lazarus Wolff] | Main | Ed Ochester Retires as Pittsburgh's Poetry Point Person »

October 31, 2021


Having read this I feel lighter already. Like a Zen balloon. Loved it!

Brilliant use of rhyme. Fine poem. Kill ne but I longed for the last line to end with” Stone” Butvcome to think of it the end on an i accented syllable kind of proves her point.

Lives up its magical title. Kudos.
As Clarinda points out, the rhymes make it special, and I especially admire the wordplay ("melon" and "lemon" are anagrams in line one) at the service of the message embodied in trhe very title, "Zen Heaven."

Hailey Leithauser is what a poet should be. She uses a few words and they speak volumes. She has written some of my favorite poems and I wish more people knew her work.

Actually "no melon, no lemon" is a palindrome. All of the poems in the book (with one exception just for fun) contain a palindrome

HAILEY's work is enormously fabulous. This column is precious for reminding us -like the song says -"of the one I love."

Great !! So musical !! .... Thank yOU!!

This poem, wonderful as it is, is just one example of Hailey's linguistic wizardry. If you've not read Swoop, run, don't walk, to get it. She is to word play as Tiger was to golf.

Echoes of Bob Dylan, Dorothy Parker & Kay Ryan. Delightful read--a Zenster!

Love the palindrome -- even better than a mere anagram!

Anyone who thinks our spirit should learn to be free from our body should have some second thoughts after reading aloud this incisive poem.

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I left it
on when I
left the house
for the pleasure
of coming back
ten hours later
to the greatness
of Teddy Wilson
"After You've Gone"
on the piano
in the corner
of the bedroom
as I enter
in the dark

from New and Selected Poems by David Lehman


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