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« The Audience [by Lera Auerbach] | Main | "Homer at Home" [by Stephen Kampa, with commentary by Mary Jo Salter] »

December 05, 2021


What a compelling voyage...

There’s no way not to try to guess the F. Poet in this marvelous poem! I ruled out Galway Kinnell who otherwise might fill the bill except that he was undeniably handsome…..

I am falling off my chair with love

pretty delightful, thanks


Time for dreams to come out of the closets.
You know, the closets with long winding hallways with endless buffet tables groaning with--no, I mean, literally groaning--live fish glaring at you with reproachful looks, so you turn to the flamenco dance you walked in with only now she's Margaret Thatcher and she says, "You're being charged by the hour, you know."
Really, dreams are always interesting; dreams with poets in them more so; dreams with sex even more still. Trifecta.

Wonderful poem! Funny -- and all too true.

I love dreaming and I love poetry. This is a wonderful poem.

Well done, with accurate aim!

Yeah, thanks for not kissing n telling! At least with identities disguised--you know I NEVER wear jackets with patches on the elbows. And besides that who sleeps? Got more famous poems to be writ! And hey honey, my name does NOT rhyme with Heavens, anyways! It does rhyme with Hieronymous, as you well know! And I just might be female. Or not even existent. At all at all.
As ever,

This poem chases its own wild dream into the dark back rooms of some poetry salon or slam hell hole, and then rushes back out soaking wet and laughing! thanks for this magnificent poem!

Good poem. Thank you, Denise.

This skillful poet seems to make the reader a psychoanalyst in whose presence the dreamer goes from topic to topic by free association, circling around the dream and ending with a question that says the work has only begun.

Crap,it was my husband, wasn't it? I can tell because he's not a poet & not famous, but he IS head-swimmingly handsome. Now I can't sleep. Thanks a lot.

(& thanks A LOT)

The guessing game is timely and true.

A mean iambic! Delightful, Denise.

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That Ship Has Sailed
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I left it
on when I
left the house
for the pleasure
of coming back
ten hours later
to the greatness
of Teddy Wilson
"After You've Gone"
on the piano
in the corner
of the bedroom
as I enter
in the dark

from New and Selected Poems by David Lehman


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