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« "She couldn't sleep for a week." Celebrating the Fifty Year Anniversary of the New York City Ballet Stravinsky Festival [by Eden Elieff] | Main | A Note on Thomas Traherne [by David Lehman] »

April 24, 2022


Catherine Barnett, one of our finest contemporary poets. A thrill to read this thoughtful, original, unpredictable poem. Trees actually do that?! Thank you, Catherine.

A thinking-feeling poem. I share your love of trees.
to know and feel with them...
especially here in nyc but everywhere
thanks for this poem.

What an intelligent, thrilling poem, on its strong course like a river in spring. I love that it shifts gears and yet stays focussed brilliantly on the beam the whole time. Terence I'm glad you showed us this. I first heard Catherine Barnett read about ten years ago and then again more recently--she's one of the best. And now back to rereading her poem!

Don: Thanks for that comment.

Besides the poem itself, what astounds me is this fact about trees: I just found it out a month or so ago. This one
Expresses beautifully the awesomeness of it all.

Catherine Barnett is an outstansding poet, and this is a good example of her craft. I, too, love "debacle," as an interesting, somewhat hard-to-pronounce word. And to think that there's a restaurant that calls itself "Debacle"!

How connected is every living thing. The energy moving us all toward.
Susan Campbell’s painting finds me in the wind.
Many thanks for these things.

Better to be a birch among birches than a debacle among debacle. Better to be blowing in the wind than tangled up in blue knots.

I love trees and discovering the meaning of unfamiliar words. Great poem and wonderful depiction of trees 🌲


I thought that words are the knots and you have to unknot them to get at the roots. Also, I thought of trees as growing taller so they can get more sunlight and leave the other trees in the shade. Perhaps some things are true and their contraries are also true, and that's why we have epistemology.

Ah and the Gordian knot was dedicated to Zeus. Surely this poem is worthy of devotion to the gods.

Love Susan Campbell's Windy Night trees and how their energy surges into this terrific poem. Hats off! all around!

Great poem, great painting. Wonderful light touch writing about roots of trees and roots of words

I like this poem for its jazz-like riffing, one idea/thought seeding the next. Freedom in the improvisation.

The new findings about how trees communicate and even defend and nurture each other offer tremendous scope for poetry. Thanks for diving in!

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I left it
on when I
left the house
for the pleasure
of coming back
ten hours later
to the greatness
of Teddy Wilson
"After You've Gone"
on the piano
in the corner
of the bedroom
as I enter
in the dark

from New and Selected Poems by David Lehman


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