I had a funny "causerie" moment with Richard. Sheila Guckenberger brought her daughter, Kristin, to the event and then left her with me in the office; Kristin was six. That was okay until Kristin had to go to the bathroom. So she and I sneaked out the back door and she went to the bathroom. Now this was in the days before voicemail, so I had an answering machine hooked up to the Elliston line. Dan Barth called about softball in the middle of R's talk, and though Dan NEVER DID THIS BEFORE OR AFTER, he thought it would be funny to leave a message in the voice of "Benny," the mentally-challenged mail clerk on LA LAW. So Dan does this grossly "retarded" voice on the machine, goes on and on with it, and his voice resounds throughout the whole Elliston Room. t some point -- Kristin and I are still in the hall -- Richard gets up, never stops talking, walks over to the ER office and slams the door shut. People said he really slammed it, too. Anyway, Kristin and I try to sneak back in, only to find the ER door locked when I turn the handle, so I bump up against the door and Kristin bumps up against me. I have this six-year-old in tow who's talking in a normal voice while I'm fumbling with the keys to unlock the door and whispering "Sh-h" to her. Richard never stops talking while everyone is giggling and he's glaring at my back trying to poke holes in it with that laser vision he used when he held up his monocle. Great story, starting the next day.
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I think Howard and Maude IS funny. But I generally really respect Richard's fine tastes in things.
Posted by: David Schloss | April 30, 2022 at 11:29 AM