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« Quote of the Day: Vladimir Samoylovich Horowitz (1903-1989) | Main | Grace Cavalieri's Milestone Birthday [Terence Winch] »

October 02, 2022


OMG. This when I was literally contemplating this evening's salad. Damn good thing I've got some avocadoes for Green Goddess dressing. I am going to print it out to show my almost-too-hale-and-hearty 91 year old beau/dinner partner. The poem is a marvel of word salad in the best salade composee sense! thank you for this brilliant delightfully raunchy poem. OMG. Raunch Dressing? You two have taken the lid off something delicious in my brain--and kitchen--and. . . .


I love how we don't quite know at first who the goddess is, or we think it's a goddess, not the dressing (!!), and then we get to this "Who, as I reclined panting, poured herself into her dressing" and the poem sails forward. Great surprises here, both in individual lines and in that turn just mentioned. Great pick!

Salad daze indeed! Bravo, Jack Shelley for this grand puzzlement and wild flight of a poem and thanks, Terence! Eat your veggies!

Bill:  Thanks for the comment. I love my crudité.

Thanks all and Terence! Lally you rock forever!!!

thanks jack, and vice versa only double

Green Goddess has a different look now. I love the poem and the accompanying art.

Awesome poem! Going vegan has never been more erotic!

I'm stealing killer lines from you amazing commenters: "Raunch dressing," "word salad" -- guess I'll have to write a sequel.

Dark sacraments, a tart tongue: thank you, Jack Skelley, for more proof that the gods of the erotic and the goddesses of poetry copulate to their mutual satifaction.

Finally, an ode to salad, the all encompassing. I’ve been waiting for this. It appears I am not alone. Thanks Jack. Thanks Terence.

Diane: thanks for the comment.

Thank you, David Lehman and Diane Ward!! Hearing from both of you means a lot to me. Thanks Terence for bringing super people together here!!!

Makes me hungry (for love)! Delicious word salad, slyly erotic and mischievously reverent, gently pushing the limits of syntax and wit.

Jack: You're very welcome.

One of the most joyous and sensual poems I've ever read.

Phyllis!! :-)

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I left it
on when I
left the house
for the pleasure
of coming back
ten hours later
to the greatness
of Teddy Wilson
"After You've Gone"
on the piano
in the corner
of the bedroom
as I enter
in the dark

from New and Selected Poems by David Lehman


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