Was it a hat I saw?
No, it is open on one position.
Do not refer to Nod ...
Lew, Otto has a hot towel.
Cigar? Toss it in a can, it is so tragic.
Pittsburgh's a bash! (Grub St. tip)
No trace -- not one carton.
Tenet A is an (Ah, tuez!) euthanasia tenet.
Tenet B is a (Ha! Ha!) sib tenet.
Tenet C is a basis, a basic tenet.
Tenet D is a Hasid tenet.
Tenet E is an Asie tenet.
Tenet F is Asa's "As If" Tenet.
Tenet G is Rip's Pirsig tenet.
Le falafel
Red? No wonder!
Some men interpret nine memos.
Degas aged.
Known wonk.
Epode dope.
AZ Zip Pizza!
Party boobytrap!
So, Ed, I vow to do two videos.
No home demo, Hon.
Day came -- not one Macy ad.
My gym taxes sex at my gym.
Too hot to hoot ...
"The pal and the palindrome are one." -- Walace Stevens.
God, did I live; war, raw evil; I did dog.
Posted by: Gerritt Cole Porter | March 15, 2023 at 01:44 PM