A Pause in Our Divorce
Tomorrow, we start again,
those leaflets on the blood of the lamb
swirling about my blockade of shot glasses.
Like a coffin with its lid kicked open,
our trailer will shake
when I blast out the door,
stuffed tigers tumbling from crooked shelves
to claw the carpet bought at Goodwill.
Apple tea in hand,
you will watch me tramp that gravel path
smeared with snow, my breath
a fist trembling open
once my back’s to you. But tonight
is a butterfly on our bayonet,
you in the rocker, wet black hair hanging
like a nun’s habit; and me wedged
in the easy chair, a whiskey-stained Othello
in my lap. We wonder how we’ll end,
like those enemy soldiers in World War I
who played football in no man’s land before Verdun.
J. Tarwood has been a dishwasher, a community organizer, a medical archivist, a documentary film producer, an oral historian, and a teacher. After a life spent in East Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East, he currently lives in China, and has published six books: The Cats in Zanzibar, Grand Detour, And for the Mouth a Flower, What the Waking See, The Sublime Way, and The World at Hand.
A butterfly on the bayonet is too brilliant for words.
Posted by: Grace Cavalieri | May 21, 2023 at 10:13 AM
Arresting imagery !! thanks !!
Posted by: Jack Skelley | May 21, 2023 at 10:32 AM
A brilliant poem on a subject usually inviting formula, cliche, facile sentimentality. This poem is remarkably free of all that, miraculously. I’m happy you’ve found and have shown this poem Terence, and J Tarwood you’ve treated us to high art!
Posted by: Don Berger | May 21, 2023 at 11:49 AM
Don: Thanks for the comment.
Posted by: Terence Winch | May 21, 2023 at 12:40 PM
Yeah been there done that but never wrote about it so brilliantly. Bravo! Hope China is treating you well
Posted by: Bill Nevins | May 21, 2023 at 12:41 PM
J. You’ve done it again— taken my breath away. I find it extremely apt that Terence Winch selected a poem of yours; you two are THE most original boxes in poetry today. Note to all: brickhousebooks Inc has published several of J.Tarwood's collections; a new one is at press right now.
Posted by: Clarinda | May 21, 2023 at 05:03 PM
J Tarwood and Terence Winch are the two most original voices in poetry today. Period. Btw—J. Tarwood’s latest is coming out from BrickHouse Books inc very soon!
Posted by: Clarinda | May 21, 2023 at 05:07 PM
Thanks, Clarinda.
Posted by: Terence Winch | May 21, 2023 at 05:48 PM
That football game before Verdun--how great it was ever done.
The divorce really had a truce--overnight, like a dream of her trousseau?
Can there be such a pause in divorce? Of course.
Posted by: Peter Kearney | May 24, 2023 at 12:30 AM