Usually, when I say “They got what they deserve”, I mean, “They’re hoist on their own petard”. This time, however, perhaps in a sign that the Age of Aquarius really is just a glass of white-wine punch away, I mean no irony.
Christophe Martin, founder and director of Micadanses dance creation and development center and the annual Faits d’Hiver dance performance event, more than merits the *Prix de la Personnalité Chorégraphique (2022-2023) awarded to him by the *Syndicat Professionnel de la Critique Théâtre, Musique et Danse. The critics cite Martin’s organization noos and his key role in dance performance creation, dance training and distribution, noting a “rare openness to esthetic diversity …”.
Accepting the award, Martin declared: "I am honored that my career in service to dance has been recognized for its perseverance and originality. I believe in a danse d’auteur: dance as personal art, as a way of thinking that is beyond words…"
Martin’s undertakings have been and continue very successful. Faits d’hiver celebrated its 25th anniversary this year, honoring the choreographer and performer Thomas Lebrun and draing in more than 6000 spectators to venues all over the Paris region. Micadanses will celebrate 20 years of supporting dance through training, residencies and resources and public productions in 2024.
Martin’s dedication to a danse d’auteur is indisputable. In my posts on The Best American Poetry/Beyond Words I have often found occasion to discuss original work encouraged, sponsored or put before the public by Christophe Martin.
Here’s what I’ll say in praise, in high praise, of Martin’s danse d’auteur: When Martin selects, encourages or puts on a piece, he shows a very cultivated knack for selecting a well-conceived, well-constructed, well-presented sensibility and (spectator) experience. Whether I’ve liked a piece selected by him or hated it or was indifferent to it, I’ve never once regretted being there with it. In Martin’s danse d’auteur, Dance, capital D, and seriousness, capital S, are always primary.
* “Prize for general choreographic work” … * “Union of Theater, Music and Dance Critics”
Faits d’hiver 2024, from 12 January to 9 February, will feature, among others, works by Mellina Boubetra and Nach, Harris Gkekas, Tabea Martin, Leïla Ka, Shlomi Tuizer, Jean-Christophe Bleton, Silvia Gribaudi, Pedro Pauwels and Anne-Sophie Lancelin.
The Best American Poetry/Beyond Words has featured Christophe Martin, Micadanses and/or Faits d’hiver in the following posts, among others:
Something very much like love: Sylvère Lamotte and Magali Saby dance “la faille” [By Tracy Danison]
Micadanses: Try some of this Surprise. Tastes like Imagination [By Tracy Danison]