Waiting is one of Judaism's great themes
As when Abraham waited to be the father
Of a great nation which God promised him
Or he also waited to be the father of a child
Both of which finally happened but only when
He was an old man with a long white beard.
Or what about how the Jews waited for
Moses to come down from Mount Sinai?
You might think we're also just waiting for
Moshiach but it's not like John Milton said
You also serve when you only stand and wait.
You should expedite Moshiach whether it's by
Philanthropy like a humongous concert hall or
Cancer hospital or by not stepping on an ant.
Ir zent recht!
Mazel und brucha.
Posted by: David Lehman | July 24, 2023 at 01:24 PM
Danke sehr! And remember: according to DS,
Koch played ping-pong like a flapping ostrich!
Posted by: mitch sisskind | July 24, 2023 at 02:06 PM