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September 03, 2023


Ah Cindy, this beautiful poem made me deep weeply! Gracias!

Love this poem, Cindy! You twist the cliches into beautiful and surprising images!!

Sometimes I slip into something less comfortable....

Great metaphor for poetry actually!

Thank you so much, Bill and Denise, for your kind comments. And Denise, my deepest condolences on Maureen's passing. She was a wonderful poet and person, and I know how much she meant to you.

Thanks for this, Cindy...I too, as you probably know, am dealing with loss, grief and aging, all of which are admirably addressed in this honest and honorable poem! And take note, both "grief" and "aging" are five-letter words!

I am a big fan of Cindy Hochman’s work and happy to see it recognized here—a delightful and skilled mix that evokes Parker and Plath yet is deeply original. Brava, Cindy!

Cindy somehow encapsulates layers of loss in carousel loops. Brava! Jan Castro

Rich powerful poem, Cindy!

delightfully playful yet profoundly poignant...thank you for satisfying my poetry jones for now cindy, and terence

This anguished poem admirably lives up to his promise to be intentionally vague--evocative, dropping hints and images throughout, making art out of life's tragedies. I especially cherish the line, "Everyone gives me flowers to fill the fissure between limbs and loss," which pulls the poem's theme together in such a memorable way.

Michael: glad you liked it.

So well done. The play between life and loss bravely and beautifully sketched within the well-employed and tricked out cliches.

I loved this poem. It touched my heart.

Wonderful, Cindy ❤️

I love this moving and powerfully written poem. I love what you do with language. I love your writing. Everyone should get a copy of TELLING YOU EVERYTHING.

Like and love the endstops Cindy! The way each sentence-line is delivered through a great full breath! Thanks for showing us this Terence!

Cindy is an amazing poet. This poem is stunning and resonates deeply.

Don: glad you dug it.

Emotional pain camouflaged with wit. Layers of being. It’s no secret I love your work, and your latest chapbook, TELLING YOU EVERYTHING, is breathtaking.

WOW, THANKS, EVERYONE. And I should point out that this photo was taken (pre-pandemic, 2019) right in front of THE DAILY EAGLE, where Walt Whitman worked (but he was out of the office the day I visited Oh well!).

A fresh new voice to my life. Where have I been to miss this magician?

Excruciating and beautiful. So "cindy-esque" and so relatable at the same time. Hope many more will read your TELLING YOU EVERYTHING. They'll be in for a treat!

The title of Cindy Hochman’s “Inner Life (With Sabotage)” is a tip to how compositionally compelling and emotionally upending this poem is. George H. Northrup spotlighted the same line I want to spotlight: “Everyone gives me flowers to fill the fissure between limbs and loss.” It’s unflashily breathtaking in form: an alliteration of “f’s” and “l’s,” and a consonance of “s’s,” all set within an irresistible cadence. Meter and meaning coalesce seamlessly. The opening caveat of “This poem will be intentionally vague” signals hurdles or concessions to come. Yet the entire poem is a tour de force deftly avoiding the merely clever or spectacular. “Inner Life (With Sabotage)” reveals its honesty honestly. That’s a rare feat. And I, unlike the poem’s narrator, can’t promise to “stop shaking soon” from its effect.

Loved this when I published it in Live Mag! Glad to see it here.

Brilliant word by a brilliant poet.

Wonderful poem, beautifully illustrated.

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That Ship Has Sailed
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I left it
on when I
left the house
for the pleasure
of coming back
ten hours later
to the greatness
of Teddy Wilson
"After You've Gone"
on the piano
in the corner
of the bedroom
as I enter
in the dark

from New and Selected Poems by David Lehman


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