<<When the Feat of the Loose-Coat Skirmish happeneth to be done underhand and privily, between two well-disposed, athwart the Steps of a Pair of Stairs, lurkingly, and in covert, behind a Suit of Hangings, or close hid and trussed upon an unbound Faggot, it is more pleasing to the Cyprian Goddess, (and to me also, I speak this without prejudice to any better or more sound Opinion) than to perform the Culbusting Art, after the Cynick manner, in the view of the clear Sunshine— >> -- trans. Sir Thomas Urquhart
The little business [la chosette] performed on the sly, between two closed doors, across the stairs, behind the tapestry, on a pile of loose kindling, is more pleasing to the Cyprian goddess (and that’s where I stand, without prejudice to higher authority), than performed in view of the sun, Cynic style—
trans. Donald Frame
<<“You’ll be a cuckold, my fine fellow, I assure you, you’ll have beautiful horns. Heh, heh, heh, our own Master de Cornibus, God preserve you! . . .” “The other way around” said Panurge, “my dream presages that in my marriage I’ll have all goods in plenty together with the horn of abundance. You’ll say they’ll be satyr’s horns. Amen [to that]! . . . Thus I’d eternally have my gimlet at the ready and indefatigable, as the satyrs have. . . . In consequence, a cuckold never, for the lack of that is the cause sine qua non, the sole cause of making husbands cuckolds.”
trans. Donald Frame
<< “Thou wilt be a cuckold, an honest one, I warrant thee; O the brave horns that will be born by thee! Ha, ha, ha. Our good Master de Cornibus, God save thee and shield thee . . .” “You are (quoth Panurge) very far mistaken in your Interpretation; for the matter is quite contrary to your sence thereof; my Dream presageth, that I shall by Marriage be stored with plenty of all manner of Goods, the hornifying of me shewing, that I will possess a Cornucopia, that Amalthean Horn, which is called, The Horn of Abundance . . . You possibly will say, that they are rather like to be Satyrs Horns; Amen, Amen . . . Thus I shall have my Touch-her-home still ready; my Staff of Love sempiternally in a good case, will, Satyr-like, be never toyled out . . . Hence doth it follow by a consequence as clear as the Sun-beams, that I will never be in the danger of being made a Cuckold, for the defect hereof is, Causa sine qua non; yea, the sole cause (as many think) of making Husbands Cuckolds.”>> -- trans. Sir Thomas Urquhart
See "Pantagruelism for our Time" by D. S. Carne Ross