L to R: Kenneth Koch, David Lehman, John Ashbery. Photo by Stacey Harwood
On May 6, 2001, Kenneth Koch, John Ashbery and David Lehman appeared at the Worcester Art Museum in Worcester, Mass to celebrate The Stamp of Impulse: Abstract Expressionist Prints, the first exhibit to show the influence of Abstract Expressionism on printmaking. The exhibit was spectacular, with works on display by 100 pioneering Abstract Expressionist printmakers including Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning, Nell Blaine, Louise Nevelson, Richard Diebenkorn, Claire Falkenstein, Helen Frankenthaler, Cy Twombly, and Joan Mitchell. Ashbery, Koch, and Lehman read their work and reminisced about a time in America when artists, writers and musicians were experimenting with creative forms.
Find out more about the exhibit here.
from the archive; first posted January 27, 2013.
What a feast for the eyes and the ears the exhibition and power reading must have been!
Posted by: Joanne Dominique Dwyer | December 02, 2023 at 09:13 AM