In old age Dean Martin ate dinner every Sunday night at the counter
of the Hamburger Hamlet on Sunset Boulevard.
While Dino dozes Jerry pulls new faces.
Skinny’s backstage and mentions that the place is
crawling with scouts. They need their act to click,
so Jerry hones the fine points of his schtick.
Luck is that part of art practice replaces.
But luck is Dino’s long suit. It embraces
his ease and swagger, looms like an oasis
before the average schmoes — they feel so slick
while Dino dozes.
Next thing you know, he’s in the world’s good graces.
And then he’s not. These days Dino retraces
his groggy steps. One, two — ain’t that a kick?
All gone. Not that he cared for it to stick.
What ghosts may rise the Hamlet’s Scotch erases
while Dino dozes.
-- Boris Dralyuk. (Photo of Dean and Jerry, circa 1950).