"Jew consciousness is in the air, and it remains to be seen how far it will succeed in poisoning it. . . .A nasty side of our nation's character has been scratched up -- the sniggering side. People who would not ill-treat Jews themselves, or even be rude to them, enjoy tittering over their misfortunes: they giggle when pogroms are instituted by someone else and synagogues defiled vicariously. 'Serves them right, really. Jews.' This make unpleasant reading, but anyone who cares to move out of his own enlightened little corner will discover that it is true.. . .To me, ant-Semitism is now the most shocking of all things. It is destroying much more than the Jews; it is assailing the human mind at its source." -- E. M. Forster (1939)
from Two Cheers for Democracy by E. M. Forster