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« The New York School Diaspora (Part Seventy-Nine): Cate Marvin [by Angela Ball] | Main | Charles Bukowski -- Great Poems of the World, Episode 13, with David Lehman and Mitch Sisskind »

October 22, 2024


You are a still water that runs deep, Ms. S.

Ahem, well, I, um--I really think we err when we turn our, er, faces away from the new. Yes, the past has its place in our lives; certainly, we must honor the past; we must make sure the past is never, um, forgotten. And all that. But in cases like this I think we do a disservice to the past, if we find ourselves just, oh, you know, mouthing old platitudes, as opposed to, er, mouthing, um, new platitudes. I mean, certain books, let's face it, are really just about language, of course; so it's important, I think, you know, to keep that language new, vibrant, alive--you know, right on our, um, lips. As it were. So I guess I'd choose--for purely aesthetic reasons, of course--the, ah, newer maid--I mean cover--the newer cover. The current cover. Yes, after thinking about it, a lot, I'd have to go with the current cover.

Not to mention the foreign editions....check out the Swedish edition here:

Can you see this on the shelves in Wal-Mart?

Thanks for the tip about the Swedish edition. Love the hand-print! The link here isn't working but I did a google image search and found it easily.
What I find so interesting is that the racier covers would seem to limit the audience, at least in US. I don't know if I would have had the nerve to buy the book in 1982 if it had had the current cover. I would have had to slip it between Family Circle magazine and read it in the book store aisle.

Thanks to Bill from me, too. I benefitted from Stacey's google search and saw the Swedish cover (with handprint!). Stacey, did you see also the Swedish mag, Family Circle Jerk? They're so much more advanced than we are!

"Spanking the Maid": a how to? a self-help book? or quality experimental erotica?

Garrett Cole Porter won the Cy Henny Youngman Award last year. For pitching woo.

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I left it
on when I
left the house
for the pleasure
of coming back
ten hours later
to the greatness
of Teddy Wilson
"After You've Gone"
on the piano
in the corner
of the bedroom
as I enter
in the dark

from New and Selected Poems by David Lehman


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