Some random thoughts: is one of my favorite sites. I love to randomize all sorts of stuff.
"The randomness comes from atmospheric noise, which is better than the pseudo-random number algorithms typically used in computer programs."
Nineteen Years Ago
Stacey Harwood-Lehman published an essay at entitled The Well-Versed Movie. This well-written comprehensive catalog of poems in films is astonishing! Did I recall "she walks in beauty," from one of my favorite Hitchcocks -- Jamaica Inn (1939)? Have to re-watch it!
There is a submission link to which I added the poetry of Arseny Tarkovsky -- used in nearly all of his son's Andrei's great films. [but the link is dead]
Although I know most of the films, I realize I have a lot of poems to read ...
Don't really like most of the contemporary pop music from any country, but discovering this song really impressed me.
Le Sserafim
I'm a mess mess mess mess mess mess mess
I'm a mess in distress
But we're still the best dressed
Fearless say yes
We don't dress to impress
What comes next is a mix of Korean and English (unless you're watching the English-language version).
X, the social-media platform formerly known as Twitter
X, the cesspool once known as Twitter [actually used in an op-ed]
X, formerly known as Twitter
X, formerly Twitter
X [saw that today -- first time I noticed it as a stand-alone]
Things you ought'nt not buy because they're useless:
Prevagen, Neuriva, LifeLock, California Psychics and oh so many more ...
Now and Then
Although the video is heartbreakingly nostalgic and Ringo can still play, the song is a dreary minor-key dirge to something ... is this John telling his mates how much he loves them? Recorded in 1970, I tend to doubt it.
Free as a Bird and Real Love are so much more interesting. You decide:
Etsy Commercials
These ads use Lalo Schifrin's theme from Mission Impossible. Can you name another commercial with music in 5/4?
Debussy's awesome Sonata for Flute, Viola and Harp:
After devouring the above two novels, I moved to Pendennis.
And so now I'm tackling the two-volume The Newcomes. Pendennis narrates the history of the family -- particularly young Clive, an old classmate of Pendennis and aspiring artist.
Thackeray begins this opera with a parable that hints at the humans who will make their appearance directly:
The cast of characters is filled with wonderfully drawn characters that really come to life.
I just started Volume Two.
2) Michael Fanone: Hold the Line
As an undercover agent, he befriended one of his sources, with various consequences. We've all seen the footage -- the book fills in the parts CNN never had time for ...