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June 19, 2022


YES and Yes and Yes. I am sending this to every woman I know. Thank you for formalizing this in poetic form, so it will travel easier and be understood more fully

Nice: a poem that works as a manifesto: quit apologizing.
There's a wonderfully funny prose poem by Catherine Bowman called "No Sorry." Check it out.
And the art is fascinating, especially death playing the Nutcracker.
Happy birthday to all artists born on this day.

Terrific! I, too, say sorry all the time when I don't mean it! I once walked into a wall and apologized to the wall. (I wish I were kidding!) This poem is rad/radical! Love it!!

I love this message. A meaningful poem. 💗

a definite knockout

Halfway through this poem, during the wonderful cataloguing of moments where the speaker had apologized, I flashed to Neruda, maybe the Odes in particular, admiring Gimenez for her clear-eyed insistence.

Early in the biblical book of Genesis, God expressed being sorry for creating humans. After sparing those on the ark and destroying all other life on earth, God was sorry no more, with the rainbow as a sign God was ready to accept forever the world as it was. Doesn't the apology-free and love-suffused aura proposed by our brilliant poet point toward a kind of rainbow arching over the whole world?

I absolutely love this poem. I'm sending it to my magical daughter.

Thanks for the comment, Tom. Great to hear from you.

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I left it
on when I
left the house
for the pleasure
of coming back
ten hours later
to the greatness
of Teddy Wilson
"After You've Gone"
on the piano
in the corner
of the bedroom
as I enter
in the dark

from New and Selected Poems by David Lehman


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